The band bio notes that the group was formed, boy-band like, based on their individual psychological profiles. If nothing else, the E-6 have a kickass sense of humor. With a mountain of hype built largely on the UK chart success of the Jack White-aided two-year-old single “Danger! High Voltage” (see more below), the Electric Six - bassist Disco, drummer M., rhythm guitarist Surge Joebot, lead guitarist Rock-N-Roll Indian, keyboardist Tait Nucleus and lead singer Dick Valentine - are ready to start anew a stateside battle among critics on the merits of irony rock. AWK’s quasi-ironic I Get Wet alienated as many critics as it won over and the E-6 are bound to be no different. The bad news: They’re this year’s Andrew W.K. First, the good news: They’re this year’s Andrew W.K. Depending on your point of view, there’s some good news and some bad news about Fire, the sleazy, glammy, garage-y, disco-ey and otherwise batshit-insane album from Detroit-based band Electric Six.